«GPS-navigation» software
«GPS-software» is assigned for transport and logistics companies, production enterprises, trade and retail companies, taxi, municipal services, agricultural enterprises and other state and private companies that have a car fleet (cars, vehicles, special machinery, etc.
The software has following options:
· On-line control over own and contractor’s vehicles;
· Additional functionality to Logistics software as it helps to control cargos transfers between take-on and take-off points on-line;
· Fixation of routes and deviation, timeframes, delays, etc.;
· Control measurement on GPS device (kilometer way, fuel consumption, temperature range, working hours, route) and synchronization hereof with accounting programs;
· Verified information for monitoring and control of transport costs,
· Integration through web-resource of the company.
The program allows to manage the car fleet in the most effective way, to ensure transparent monitoring and control of vehicles fulfilling their routes, to reduce expenses thanks to increase of working discipline.
Program advantages: unlike the standard GPS device the program is integrated with accounting programs of the company and helps to decrease labor costs.