eXplorer for Bank
Nowadays a lot off banks very often meet a problem of lack of the reliable information about the financial conditions of the bank in “on-line” regime, lack of the mechanisms of long-term planning, which lead to the strategic faults in banking management, having no possibility to react fast upon the problems and prevent them. The result of such events is the necessity of urgent interventions in the current processes in order to minimize the consequences of the crises. Never the less such measures don`t guarantee that such situations wouldn`t occur in the future. To forecast their appearance and put them under the control in “on-line” regime by the traditional methods is not an easy task even for the most experienced specialists.
That’s why we would like to offer You a modern informative-analytical program „eXplorer for Bank”, which is to facilitate the work of many department and organizational units especially what concedes the planning and economic department, credit departments, other units of sale and will give an opportunity for the management personal of the company to receive the necessary information in current time both for the internal use and for the presentations as well.
Until now there are no analogs of such program on the market. The program was developed for the bank with foreign capital, what means the special demands to the presentation of the material, which fulfill the needs of investors. The Program is based on the modern legislation of Ukraine and is constantly updated.
Besides the traditional overview of the balances, building different forms and exporting the data in graphics, the Program provide following options:
- To determine the ratings of the banks,
- To compare the real balance with Business-Plan (in the case it exists),
- To control the observance of NBU norms and also their prediction for the future,
- To prevent the crises situations or near to them in the work of the BANK, determine he periods in which might occur the problems with the resources, capital or NBU norms and indexes,
- To build the prognoses models of bank development for the future through implementing of one or several planned indicators,
- To make the forecast on bank as a whole and also on the regional level with determined parameters [i] ,
- To modify the formulas, forms and graphic representation of information according to the needs and tasks,
- Very fast access to the information,
- Adoption of strategic decisions by high management,
- Control of the current situation in the Bank in everyday regime, which gives a chance to stand against the hard competitiveness on the financial market,
- To use the models for any bank in Ukraine without any limits of their quantity,
- To convert the received results in any currency you like in chosen time periods,
- Unlimited number of users at the same time,
- Unlimited number of formulas itc.
Installation of „eXplorer for Bank” does not require additional program support or special technical equipment; it can work both in the local and net regimes. The program is supported with 108 pages assistance manual.